Wednesday, May 18, 2011

At the dog park...

We were lucky to have some time at the dog park before it started raining. Weather this time of year can be so fact, later today it is supposed to snow! Jeeze Louise...

Anyway, here are some photos of me enjoying the park. Sorry some are from so far away -- we can't figure out the zoom on the iphone camera. XOXO R

my summer cut!

Hi -- I just got my summertime hairdo! I was pooped after spending all day at my groomer Chad's. Here I am taking a snooze on and then under Mom's desk and showing off my good looks! I also like to sit in her chair -- it makes me feel important.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Sorry this is a day late, but I wanted to wish my Mom, Dee, Tija, Aunt Jenny and my Grandma a very happy Mother's Day! Here is something that I put together for my Mom -- with Mark's help...thanks Mark!

I love my Mom sooo much! Thanks, Mom for taking such good care of me, taking me to work with you every day, brushing me, scheduling my vet and groomer appointments, playing with me, introducing me to new and fun things, taking me to Walkin' the Dog so I can socialize with my pals, taking me to the dog park and on trips with you and just being awesome in general!! xoxo Roscoe

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Spring Snow Romp

We got so much snow over the weekend! Here I am taking advantage of what may very well be my last romp in fresh snow for a while. First, I have to get my muscles limber by doing a long downward dog stretch. Then, I'm off!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Some Weekend iPhone Pics

We were pretty much homebound this weekend since it was still snowing, dog park is still closed and it was really cold out. Mom filled the time by brushing out my entire coat, giving me a Wonderfluff bath, blowdrying me and finding ways to use these new, clear hair ties to keep the hair out of my eyes and not make me look so darn girly! Some pics have me sporting the yellow clips, but now I just use the clear hair bands -- MUCH better!