Wednesday, April 27, 2011

a few recent snaps of little ole me....

My Mother just loves the hair clips...what can I say....


Out of nowhere we now have a flock of 8 turkeys that roam our hood. Where did they come from?! I hate the turkeys and bark and bark and bark whenever I see them in my yard, or whenever Mom or Dad even utter the word TURKEY in my presence. Check them out! Beat it, turkeys! This yard is mine!

What's for dinner?

Uncle Matt comes to visit!

Ok, this post is waaaaaaay overdue since my Uncle Matt was here in FEBRUARY! Man, I need to be better about blogging in a timely fashion. Anyway, we had such a fun time! Here were are on a nice winter hike frolicking amongst the Aspen trees -- super fun!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Snuggle Time

Just snuggling with Dad on the couch on a lazy Saturday.