Monday, September 28, 2009

A Walk in the Woods

Today Mom took me a nice walk down the trail behind our house. The leaves are at their peak right now and it's a beautiful, warm sunny day here...a perfect day for a nice, long walk!

Here are some photos of me and Mom during the walk. We even saw a deer...check it out!

My New Crate

Since I've been growing so much, I outgrew my original crate. Check out my new one! It's bigger, so I have more room to lounge around in there. Of course I prefer to always be out and about, but if I have to be in a crate sometimes, I'm glad it's this awesome new one!

Monday, September 21, 2009


Here I am snoozing while Mom and Dad were watching the Emmy Awards last night...boooooooring!

Oh my gosh -- it's snowing here in Colorado! BRR!! There is just a dusting...not enough for me to romp around in, but I am looking forward to when there is more of the white stuff! Mom and Dad are looking to buy me some sort of coat or sweater to keep me warm and dry...they just better not get anything that makes me look dorky...I have an image to protect! Anyway, here are some recent pics of you can see I am in desperate need of a haircut! I am hoping that happens this week sometime. I am also loving these things called -- they are lots of fun to eat and play with (even though Mom grabs them out of my mouth whenever she sees me with one). I'm going to take some photos of my swanky new crate this week and will post photos soon! xoxo roscoe

Monday, September 14, 2009

another quick video...

Roscoe vs. His Bed

Here I am wrestling with my bed. It sure is a fun toy!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Blackberry Photos

Mom has a sweet new phone and last night she took these photos of me with it. It can also take video so stay tuned for some video of me in action! xoxo Roscoe

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Labor Day

Hi Everyone! I hope you all had a fun Labor Day weekend! We sure did...nothing major happened, but we just had a fun, relaxing 3 days. Here are some pics of me relaxing on the couch (SUCCESS!!! FINALLY!!!)



Thursday, September 3, 2009

Roscoe in the City --- my acting debut!

Hi Everyone! You may remember that I didn't take any photos of my adventures in the Big Apple...luckily, Uncle Shawn took some video of me cruising around (and peeing on) the mean streets of NYC. He even made them into a cool movie set to a rad, crank up the volume and check me out! THANKS UNCLE SHAWN -- YOU'RE THE BEST!!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Walkin' The Dog

Hi! Mom and Dad are back from their long weekend in Jackson Hole. They tell me that they had a great time. While they were away, I stayed with the wonderful Marisa & Merrill who own Walkin' The Dog ( It was awesome...I got to play at their dog daycare all day and then relax in the comforts of their home at night. I made a fun new friend, Tolouse, who is a Cairn Terrier. We had a blast together! Here are some photos from my long weekend that Merrill and Marisa took. I can't wait to start going to Walkin' The Dog during the week for some fun with friends and exercise! I love it there!