Monday, August 3, 2009


So since Mom and Dad were getting so frustrated by my free spirited urination, they asked my trainer for some advice. The solution was to buy some Poochie Bells ( At first, I would play with them on the floor, then they got hung up on the door I use to go out and Mom or Dad would ring them each time I went out and say "Potty, ring the bells, Roscoe!"...and they would hold me up near the bells and I would either paw at them or hit them with my nose until they made noise. Well, I figured out that routine in a day or two, and now I just go over to the bells whenever I feel the urge to pee or poo and ring them myself. I'm such a big boy! This makes it easier for everyone now that we have a potty sign. Here I am ringing the bells. Cute, huh?

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